Event Overview

Direct-to-Device (D2D) connectivity is seen by many as a game-changer for global communications. But can it truly reach its full potential, and what key factors will shape its future?

Join us on 1st July at the Hotel nHow Bloom in Brussels for a one-day policy forum dedicated to exploring these critical questions. Sessions will bring together key stakeholders to examine the regulatory landscape, technological advancements, emerging business models, and the challenges that lie ahead. How can industry and governments collaborate to unlock the full promise of D2D connectivity?

Registration is now open, so don’t miss the opportunity to join us in Brussels and be part of these crucial conversations.

This event will take place back to back to the European Space Forum.

Taking place in Brussels on 2-3 July 2025 the European Space Forum is now in its 5th edition, and established as one of the key meeting points for the European space community. Find out more at euspaceforum.com.


Event Partners

Organised by

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Platinum Partners

Access Partnership logo 350x194
Analysys Mason logo 350x194
GSMA new logo to use
Omnispace logo 350x194
Vodafone logo 350x194

Knowledge Partner

PIP logo 350x194


Speakers Include

Timo Pesonen

Timo Pesonen

for Defence Industry and Space (DG DEFIS)


Josef Aschbacher

Josef Aschbacher

Director General


Aarti Holla Maini


United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs (UNOOSA)

Thomas Dermine

State Secretary for Economic Recovery and Strategic Investments

Government of

Orsolya Ferencz

Ministerial Commissioner for Space Research

Government of Hungary

Eva Berneke

Vice Chair



Eutelsat Group

Rodrigo da Costa

Rodrigo da Costa

Executive Director


Benedikta von Seherr-Thoß

Managing Director for Peace, Security and Defence

European External Action Service (EEAS)

Christophe Grudler

Christophe Grudler

Member & Rapporteur on the EU Secure Connectivity Initiative

European Parliament

Julie Kearney

Chief, Space Bureau

Federal Communications Commission (FCC)


Note: All timings are in Central European Summer Time (CEST).

The full conference agenda will be available soon, offering an in-depth overview of all sessions, speakers, and activities. Stay tuned for exciting updates!

All times listed are in local Brussels time (CET).

Day 1
09:00 - 09:20
Keynote Presentation
09:20 - 10:25
Session 1: Developing a regulatory framework to drive forward D2D in Europe

Regulating direct-to-device (D2D) services across Europe remains in its infancy. While individual member states are beginning to explore regulatory approaches tailored to their unique circumstances, efforts are also underway at the European level to prevent fragmentation and establish a coordinated framework. As part of this, the European Commission have asked the Radio Spectrum Policy Group (RSPG) to prepare an opinion on developing an EU-level policy approach to D2D, focusing on aspects such as national authorizations, current and anticipated use of potential frequency bands, technical considerations, and the necessity for regulatory coordination and harmonization across the EU. The final opinion is expected to be released in the weeks leading up to this event, and against this backdrop, this session will look both at this and also the work that is taking place more broadly across Europe to develop a cohesive European policy framework that supports innovation and equitable access in the D2D sector. What are the steps that need to be taken in order to deliver this and are we on the right path?


  • What were the key issues that have come out of the RSPG opinion on D2D connectivity?
  • How do these fit in the broader work that is happening at a European and member state level to develop a regulatory framework for D2D?
  • How should spectrum be allocated and managed to support the integration of D2D services, ensuring efficient use and avoiding interference with existing services?
  • What regulatory adjustments are necessary to enable the seamless integration of Direct-to- Device (D2D) services into the European market?
  • What controls – if any – are necessary to manage European consumer rights and expectations?
  • How can policymakers balance the need for innovation with the protection of existing services, including terrestrial networks and traditional satellite applications?
  • What role should the European Commission play in fostering a harmonized approach to D2D regulation across the EU? 
  • What is the role of Member States? What kind of authorisation is needed at a national level?
  • How can fair market access be ensured for new entrants in the D2D sector, fostering innovation while maintaining healthy competition?
  • What role should the EU play in developing technical standards to ensure interoperability between terrestrial and satellite networks in D2D communications?
  • What is the appropriate balance between European-level coordination and member state autonomy in the licensing of D2D services?
10:25 - 10:45
Morning Refreshments
10:45 - 11:50
Session 2: Building the Global D2D Ecosystem – International Collaboration and Emerging Policy Frameworks

Policymakers around the world are working to update regulatory frameworks and keep pace with the rapidly evolving D2D market. This session will explore the countries and regions at the forefront of these efforts, highlighting emerging trends, as well as the similarities and differences that are emerging in regional approaches. It will delve into balancing the need for international collaboration with the importance of addressing specific regional priorities, market conditions, and dynamics; exploring how stakeholders can work together to create a cohesive policy environment that fosters innovation, competition and sustainability. With WRC-27 on the horizon, discussions will also consider its critical role in shaping the D2D future by addressing key issues like spectrum allocation and coexistence between networks and services. What path is being taken by international, regional and national policymakers to navigate the regulatory complexities posed by D2D in order to maximise its potential and deliver a connected future for the benefit of all?


  • What are the key similarities and differences in how various regions are approaching direct- to-device (D2D) connectivity deployment and regulation?
  • Are there specific regions leading innovation or policy development in D2D connectivity, and to what extent is this influencing the global picture?
  • What international collaboration is being seen, and what steps are needed to create a global policy framework for D2D that balances competition, innovation, sustainability, with the need to protect incumbent services?
  • What are the key obstacles to achieving global harmonization of policies for D2D connectivity, and how can they be addressed?
  • How are D2D connectivity discussions evolving across different regions in preparation for WRC-27, and to what extent are regions prioritizing D2D (Agenda Item 1.13)? 
  • How important will WRC-27 be for setting the future shape of the D2D ecosystem and how can it help address challenges such as spectrum allocation, interference management, and coordination between terrestrial and non- terrestrial networks?
  • How are global connectivity players navigating differing regulatory requirements and market conditions across regions?
  • What role does licensing play in shaping the D2D ecosystem, and how can licensing frameworks adapt to support innovation while ensuring fair competition and efficient spectrum use?
  • What different licencing frameworks are emerging for D2D connectivity, and how can these adapt to support innovation while ensuring fair competition and efficient spectrum use?
11:50 - 12:30
Session 3: Scaling D2D: Aligning innovation and standards

Ensuring the alignment of D2D with standards is essential for achieving long-term viability, fostering interoperability, and scaling solutions across diverse markets. This discussion will explore how D2D fits within the 3GPP framework, the challenges of standardizing innovative technologies, and at how standards within the D2D ecosystem are starting to emerge more broadly.


  • What role do partnerships between industry leaders, governments, and standardization bodies play in advancing D2D technologies?
  • What is the current state of 3GPP standards concerning D2D connectivity? To what extent is it becoming part of broader conversations around standardisation, and what gaps still need to be addressed?
  • How can standards help in ensuring interoperability and scalability for emerging D2D solutions across different regions and industries?
  • What challenges do innovators face when aligning their technologies with existing standards, and how can these be mitigated?
  • How can we balance the need for rapid innovation with the slower pace of standardization processes?
  • As we move toward 6G, how do you see the role of D2D evolving within future standard frameworks?
12:30 - 13:25
13:25 - 14:30
Session 4: D2D Deployment – Spectrum Strategies, Business Models and Ecosystem Dynamics

The rise in interest of D2D connectivity has brought with it a transformative period of innovation and strategic realignment involving a number of key stakeholders. As the boundaries between terrestrial and non-terrestrial networks become increasingly blurred, distinct deployment models are emerging, each presenting unique opportunities and challenges. Two primary approaches are being seen, leveraging mobile (IMT) and satellite (MSS) spectrum frequency bands respectively to deliver connectivity. This session will examine the pros and cons of these 2 approaches and the broader implications that they may have on global markets, business strategies, and the shifting roles of satellite operators and MNOs. It will explore whether the future lies in a unified approach or in the coexistence of multiple models designed to meet diverse demands, as well as how evolving competitive and collaborative dynamics among key players may influence the direction of this rapidly evolving ecosystem.


  • What are the pros and cons of D2D deployment models using IMT and MSS spectrum frequencies respectively, and what challenges and opportunities does each offer?
  • How could these differences influence their potential adoption across different markets? Are there specific market segments or use cases where one approach is better suited than the other?
  • Are the objectives of providers using IMT and MSS technologies aligned, or do they differ significantly?
  • How can regulators create a framework that promotes both competition and innovation while ensuring a fair and dynamic market environment?
  • Is one or other of the deployment models ultimately likely to emerge as the global approach, or is there room for both to coexist? What factors might determine this outcome?
  • How do satellite operators and mobile network operators (MNOs) view their roles within the D2D connectivity ecosystem? Are we likely to see more competition or collaboration between these stakeholders as the market evolves?
  • What key factors in the end-user experience will determine the success or failure of various D2D business models and approaches? How crucial will elements such as cost, coverage, and quality of service be in shaping user adoption and satisfaction?
  • Beyond smartphone connectivity, how can D2D services and business models evolve to address the needs of IoT devices, cars, and other connected technologies, and what industries stand to benefit the most from these advancements?
14:30 - 15:35
Session 5: Emerging use cases and solutions – can D2D live up to the hype?

As D2D connectivity continues to gain traction, an increasing number of potential new use cases and scenarios are being proposed. A key factor in the success of these use cases and of the D2D sector as a whole will be delivering the financial sustainability of these services, ensuring affordability for end users while maintaining profitability. This panel will explore the potential evolution of D2D services and technologies, examining their integration within the current connectivity ecosystem and how this may evolve as we move beyond 5G and into the 6G era. It will examine the key use cases and applications that could shape the trajectory of D2D, and examine the monetisation strategies that could enable these. Discussions will also look at the economic and societal benefits that could be brought to rural, remote, and disaster-prone areas around the world (eg, through connecting the unconnected, disaster response, environmental monitoring), and ask the question how financial constraints can be tackled to deliver services at an affordable level given that these are often some of the poorest communities on Earth.


  • What are the most promising use cases for D2D connectivity, and how do they address current gaps in the connectivity ecosystem?
  • What challenges and opportunities arise in monetizing D2D within both the consumer and enterprise marketplace? How can services and use cases be developed in a way that they are financially viable while remaining affordable for end users?
  • What innovative applications of D2D connectivity are expected to drive consumer adoption more broadly, and to what extent is this going to reshape the telecommunications market?
  • What high-value commercial applications of D2D technology, such as industrial IoT, autonomous systems, or smart agriculture, could drive widespread adoption and innovation?
  • What potential does D2D technology truly offer in helping bridge the digital divide in underserved and rural areas?
  • Will D2D help MNOs achieve coverage obligations?
  • Considering the financial constraints of many unconnected populations, what strategies can ensure affordability for consumers while enabling operators to maintain profitability?
  • Where does the long-term future of D2D lie as we move towards 6G and the future connectivity landscape?
  • Can D2D connectivity live up to the current hype that is being seen, or are its challenges and limitations being overlooked amid the current enthusiasm for its development?
Select date to see events.


Sponsorship Opportunities

We have various speaking, sponsor, and wider visibility opportunities available at the event. Should you be interested in becoming involved at the D2D Policy Forum please contact Dan Craft on dan.craft@forum-europe.com.

Exclusive speaking positions | Your organisation can contribute to the discussion.

Engaging and interactive format | Engage in a fully immersive and interactive debate with decision makers, businesses and policymakers.

EU and Global Outreach | Convey your message to a broad and international audience.

Networking opportunities | Networking opportunities will be available to all in person attendees throughout the day.

Visibility opportunities | Ensure maximum visibility through branding in the room, on the event website and marketing activities.

Exhibition and demos area | Showcase your products and solutions or share a position paper with the audience at  onsite exhibition booths.



Please kindly note that this is a fully in-person event, taking place at the Hotel nhow Brussels Bloom. There will be no virtual element to this event.


Organisation Type

Early Bird Cost

Full Cost


Applies to: Corporate, Trade Association, Law Firm/Public Affairs Firm




Applies to: NGO/Not for Profit



Academic / Student

Applies to: Academic / Student




Applies to: National Government / Regulator & Diplomatic Mission to the EU, European Commission / Parliament / Council, EU Permanent Representatives, National Space Agencies/ESA, Accredited Journalists



The early bird rate will end on 23 May 2025. Also, please note that fees do not include Belgian VAT @ 21%, and this amount will be added to the total price when you are invoiced.

Practical Information

Event Venue

Hotel nhow Brussels Bloom
Rue Royale 250, 1210 Bruxelles, Belgium

If you and your team need a hotel bedroom for the duration of the event, we negotiated a special rate for accommodation at the Hotel nhow Brussels Bloom. Please click here to book your room.


For more information on any aspect of this event, please contact Kate Lymer using any of the details below.

Kate Lymer
Senior Event Manager
Forum Europe
+44 (0) 2920 783 072

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